Sunday, January 19, 2014

Pecha Kucha

“Pecha what?“, this was my first thought when my classmates told me about this special form of presenting a topic. I could not come to class when Hendrik explained what PK (I love this abbreviation J) is and therefore it took me some days to find out that it is just an “ordinary” PowerPoint presentation. To be honest, I was a bit disappointed because I thought that Pecha Kucha needs a specific program. However, when I could not find a download link, I started to realize that PK needs no additional program.

Together with my presentation partner Sandra, I decided on the topic “Globish”. I had never heard of Globish before but what we found on the Internet sounded interesting.

After some discussions, we agreed not to do an ordinary presentation – for example we decided not to start with something like: “Hello and welcome to our presentation. Today we would like to tell you something about….” This was too boring for us. We thought that that a special presentation format deserves a special style of presenting.

We agreed on a dialogue, something like a discussion, to inform our audience as well as entertain them.
It was good fun to write the text but the best part of our PK presentation was when we had to choose pictures for our slides.

Unlike “normal” presentations, where you just tell your audience everything you know about the topic, we could not use a cheat sheet. Who uses cards in a conversation? “Hello, how are you?” “Hmm…, wait… ah…good, thank you!” Would be funny – but a bit awkward.

So we had to learn our text by heart, which was not really difficult and I have to admit that I enjoyed it J. The trickiest part was to time our dialogue so that we speak exactly 20 seconds per slide. Fortunately we had the genius idea to create a timer which ran backwards from 20 to zero. This little graphic was really helpful.

Although we had no plan at the beginning, and were not quite sure if we could manage this project, the presentation went really well and I think we both enjoyed it. This was one of the most funny presentations I ever did. Thanks to Sandra who was a great project partner!

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