Monday, June 24, 2013

Culture Presentations

I went to see ten presentations on Wednesday and Thursday last week. Most of these presentations were very interesting and well prepared. 

The Secret language of Irish travellers – Kristina Tandl
Kristina did a good job and chose a very interesting topic. I was attracted by the title but couldn’t imagine what it is about. She told us about “Shelta” – the academic name for the Travellers’ language. “Travellers” are an Irish ethnic group with their own language and history. I learned that they live a nomadic life.

This is Fritz – Sandra Lang
Now I know who Friz is J. Sandras topic was Marian Noone – an Irish artist who is better known as Friz. The presentation was about Friz’ life, her typical style of painting and how she influences Ireland with her art. Noone has an interesting live and founded for example the street art collective SPOOM.

Tornado Alley – Anna Agabani
“Why on earth would anyone live in Tornado alley?” was one of the best presentations I saw on these two days! Anna was self-confident and I really liked her way of presenting the topic to us. I can understand now why people live in an area where tornadoes are most frequent.

The history of Irish Sign Language – Lisa Moder
I was particularly interested in this presentation because my second foreign language at the ITAT is ÖGS, short for Austrian Sign Language. Lisa mentioned some very interesting facts and told us about deaf people in Ireland and about their problems. I liked the fact that she showed us two sign-language videos.

When Irish eyes are smiling – Cornelia Kaiser
Cornelias presentation was great – I really liked it and my eyes smiledJ. “When Irish eyes are smiling” was about poetry in Ireland to be more concrete about which poems children have to learn at school. We got to know some famous Irish poets and also poems nearly every Irish child has to learn. I was surprised by the fact that students have to learn poems for their school leaving exam.

Drugs Scene in Dublin – Lisa Marie Vido
I wasn’t aware that the Irish drug scene is so different then the Austrian. Lisa presented the topic very well and talked about drugs which were taken during the 60s and 70s. She also informed us about head shops where you could buy legal stuff but also drugs and equipment for consuming drugs until 2010.

Deaf Art in the U.S. – Sonja Haunschmid
“Deaf Art in the U.S.” is a very interesting topic. Sonja Haunschmid told us about De’VIA short for Deaf view image art. I know now that De’VIA was founded at Gallaudet University – the only university with special programs for deaf and hard of hearing students. Artists of the De’VIA movement express their experiences with their deafhood. It is interesting that you do not have to be deaf to be part of De’VIA - it is also possible for a hearing person to produce De’VIA.

How the Columbian Exchange changed the world – Alexandra Haunold
I had no idea what the Columbian Exchange was about and I am sure that many other “visitors” had the same problem. Now I know that it refers to the exchange of animals, humans… in the years after Christopher Columbus arrived in America in 1492. From my point of view, Alexandra did an excellent job and presented the topic very well. I was shocked to hear that almost 90% of the Native Americans died after Columbus arrival because the sailors brought influenza, malaria and many other diseases with them.

Fleadh Cheoil na hÉireann – Sabrina Michelitsch
I have never heard of this festival before. In my opinion Sabrina did great because she knew how to pronounce all the difficult Irish names. I really liked the Irish music she played at the beginning and all the facts she mentioned. It was interesting to hear that artists have to compete in qualifying rounds to be allowed to take part in the festival. I liked the fact that she mentioned “Scoil Eigse” (I have no plan how to pronounce it but I am sure Sabrina doesJ) where foreign people but also locals get the chance to learn about traditional Irish music.

The Cliffs of Moher center and its charges – Leclere Blandine
From my point of view it was a bit tricky to understand and follow this presentation. Blandine told us that she has been to Moher and showed us some of her pictures of the Cliffs, the local animals and the visitor center. She also talked about the entrance fees you have to pay and how to avoid paying them.

The five Irish presentations/topics I liked most and therefore chose to be tested on the KGP are:
  • ·        The Drugs Scene in Dublin – Lisa Marie Vido
  • ·         When Irish eyes are smiling – Cornelia Kaiser
  • ·         The history of Irish Sign Language – Lisa Moder
  • ·         This is Friz – Sandra Lang
  • ·         The secret language of Irish travellers – Kristina Tandl

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