Wednesday, October 9, 2013

My five EU paper titles

Hello and welcome to my blog! These are my five favorite EU topics for the academic paper.
  • The difference between getting a driver’s license in an EU member state and a non EU member state (e.g. Ukraine) for deaf or hard of hearing people
    •  I am really interested in this topic because I study sign language and am always amazed how good and carefully deaf people drive. I think its unfair that in some European countries deaf people are not allowed to drive while in EU member states they are.
  • The abortion law in Austria compared with Ireland
    • This is an interesting topic because in Austria abortion is allowed in the first 16 weeks of pregnancy whereas in Ireland abortion is strictly forbidden. The EU has established so many laws but unfortunately they are not able to state a rule for this very important topic.
  •  Gay adoption right in Austria compared with the UK
    • At first I wanted to compare the “normal” adoption rights but then I saw the LGBT website. LGBT is the short form for Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender. Before reading the website I was not aware that there are different adoption rights for these people in the EU. While in some EU member states (including Great Britain) LGBT adoption is allowed, in Austria it is still forbidden. Again, I think this is an important topic and we all should have the same rules in the EU.
  • The European Prize “For youth employment in the Social Economy”
    •  I learned about this prize at school and I think it would be a good topic for a scientific article because it could affect all of us. Youth unemployment in the EU is very high and continues to rise everywhere. Therefore, the European Network of Foundations for Social Economy (OMG, who thinks of all this long names?) decided to establish this European prize. The jury is looking for a company, which was set up by young people and has created employment for young jobseekers in the EU. The winning company will receive € 5,000 . Not bad, huh? 
  • How Innocent smoothies influenced the European juice market
    • This is my favorite topic but obviously also the most difficult one. I thought of something I really like and am interested in and suddenly Innocent came to my mind. I love their smoothies, their advertisements and how carefully they design their bottles but I couldn’t think of an EU-related topic. My study buddy Anita suggested I write about the European juice market and how Innocent influenced it.
    • Did you know:
      • that Innocent Innocent is over 90% owned by The Coca-Cola Company?
      • that Innocent Drinks are Europe’s number one smoothie brand?
What do you think about my topics? Do you have any ideas or suggestions? Please comment J


  1. I really like the topic "Gay adoption right in Austria compared with the UK" as it is a very important topic that needs to be addressed. Unfortunately, this issue is still tabooed and avoided but writing about it helps to educate a bunch of people on the issue and shows that at least some people care and don't think less of others because of their sexual orientation. In my opinion everyone is entitled to have a family. It's a basic human right and no law or country is allowed to take it away.

  2. I really like your last topic! I love the Innocent smoothies and their cute advertisements as you do and I think it could be really interesting to experience how powerful these tasty drinks are. If you choose this one as your topic, I will read it for sure :)

  3. Dearest study buddy,
    I love your last topic. The idea of it is brilliant; who did you get it from? ;) I am just messing with you. I really think that is a good topic to write about. Innocent smoothies are delicious and I would really like to know more about how and where they are produced. And please try to find out if they are planning an expansion to Croatia. :D
    P.S. I will get you a dozen of them for Christmas, just so you know :D

  4. That first one sounds great! I'd never thought about it before but it's obviously an issue.
